Possible Benefits of Light Therapy-Platinum Gold Red Light Therapy Platinum Delux ®

Possible Benefits of Light Therapy-Platinum Gold Red Light Therapy

Platinum Gold Red Light Therapy

There are a few things that everyone knows about NASA: they spent millions of dollars on Tang, they sent people to the moon, and they use red light therapy to keep their astronauts healthy. But did you know that NASA isn't the only organization using this technology? In fact, it's just as useful for us regular folks as it is for astronauts. Light therapy has been around since the Sixties but didn't really catch on until NASA started using it in space. It's come a long way since then—here's what you need to know about red light therapy:

Platinum Gold Red Light Therapy

Possible Benefits of Light Therapy

Light therapy has been around since the 1960s, but it wasn't until NASA started using it that we began to see its benefits.

  • Red light therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation and pain in people with osteoarthritis.

  • In addition to being used on wounds and burns, red light therapy can also be used to treat acne and psoriasis.

Inflammation and Pain Relief

Red light therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation, which is a major cause of pain. It also helps with muscle recovery and can aid in the treatment of skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Platinum Gold Red Light Therapy

Improved Circulation

  • Improved Circulation:

  • Increased Blood Flow: The red light therapy stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the body, which causes an increase in blood flow to the skin. This leads to increased oxygenation and better absorption of nutrients by your cells.

  • Increased Collagen Production: Another benefit of red light therapy is that it stimulates collagen production, which helps keep your skin firm, elastic and youthful looking. This effect can be seen after only a few sessions!

Muscle Recovery after Exercise

  • Light therapy can help reduce muscle soreness.

  • Light therapy can help speed up muscle recovery.

  • Light therapy can help reduce inflammation and pain associated with exercise, which means you'll feel better faster! This is especially helpful if you have a hard time recovering from workouts or sports injuries (like me).

  • The lights are also said to improve circulation and blood flow in the body, which may be especially beneficial for anyone who suffers from chronic pain or arthritis because it helps reduce stiffness in joints by increasing blood flow throughout their bodies.

Skin Rejuvenation

Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that can be used to treat a wide range of skin conditions. It can be used to treat acne, wrinkles, psoriasis and eczema. Red light therapy also has the ability to reduce the appearance of rosacea symptoms such as redness and inflammation.

Red light therapy has been around since the sixties, but it wasn't until NASA started using it that we began to see its benefits.

Red light therapy has been around since the sixties, but it wasn't until NASA started using it that we began to see its benefits.

NASA found that red light therapy helped astronauts recover from muscle injuries and heal skin lesions. They also found that it reduced inflammation and pain in people with conditions like chronic pain or arthritis.

Platinum Gold Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a great way to stay healthy and look younger! We hope that this article has given you some insight into what red light therapy can do for your skin, your mood and your overall health. If you are interested in learning more about the technology behind red light therapy or purchasing one for yourself then visit our website: Platinum Gold Red Light Therapy

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