The Best Skin-Care Routines and Products -Platinum Deluxe
The best skin-care routine and products are the ones that you can stick with. And,
we all know what makes a great routine—it's consistency! But not everyone has the time or patience to be consistent with their skincare regimens. That's why we've put together this guide on how to create the perfect skincare routine for your specific needs.
Section: What should I look for in a skin-care routine?
Section: How do I know if my current regimen is doing its job?
Section: What products should I use? And when?
Dermatologists are skin care experts. They know what products and routines work best for different skin types, so they can help you find the right products to complement your routine. If you’re having trouble with breakouts or have other concerns about your complexion, a dermatologist can help you develop a custom skincare routine that fits within the constraints of your budget while still providing optimum results.
Celebrities and makeup artists
Celebrities and makeup artists have to look good for their job. They have access to the best products, so they know what works and what doesn't. If you're a celebrity or a makeup artist, then you probably have more money than I do, so I'm not going to tell you how much something costs (even though it's probably less than $10). But if there's one thing that everyone should keep in mind when shopping for skin care products: don't buy into hype anymore!
Your skin is the largest organ of your body, so you should take care of it.
If you want to treat yourself, we recommend that you invest in a good skincare routine and products that will help keep your face looking fresh and healthy.
The Platinum Lux line is made up of natural ingredients that are formulated with the highest quality ingredients possible. They are gentle enough for daily use without causing irritation or redness on sensitive skin types like mine!
The best skin-care routines and products for all ages.
The best skin-care routines and products for all ages.
If you're looking for a way to improve the appearance of your skin, there are several different things you can do. Some people prefer to go natural or organic when it comes to their skincare routine, while others might want something more professional-looking like a chemical peel or microdermabrasion treatment. Whatever your preference is, we've got something that will work for all kinds of people!
Platinum Lux Instant Face Lift
Platinum Lux Instant Face Lift is a skin-care product that helps you to look younger and more vibrant. The serum contains an effective formula that works to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and puffiness around the eyes. It also improves the overall texture of your face by smoothing out any rough patches or unevenness in tone, texture or color.
You can use this serum every morning after cleansing your face or at night before going to bed if you have trouble sleeping due to inflammation caused by chronic conditions like rosacea or eczema (which happens when there's too much bacteria on top of already irritated skin).
If you want something a little more luxurious than just plain old water then try adding some vitamin C into your routine with Platinum Lux Vitamin C Serum ($455 MSRP). This lightweight moisturizer adds another layer of hydration while providing antioxidant protection against free radicals that cause premature aging—and who doesn't want those?
"I am a huge fan of the Platinum Lux Instant Face Lift serum. It was formulated by a cosmetic dentist who worked on Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, so you know it's legit. The ingredients are clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by tightening your skin instantly. I find it really helpful to use before an event where I need my makeup to look smooth and flawless." - Amanda Montell, author of Wordslut: A Feminist Guide to Taking Back the English Language
"I am a huge fan of the Platinum Lux Instant Face Lift serum. It was formulated by a cosmetic dentist who worked on Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, so you know it's legit. The ingredients are clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by tightening your skin instantly. I find it really helpful to use before an event where I need my makeup to look smooth and flawless."
Amanda Montell, author of Wordslut: A Feminist Guide to Taking Back the English Language
Platinum Lux Instant Face Lift, $448.00 MSRP
Platinum Lux Instant Face Lift, $448.00 MSRP
This product is a high-performance serum that works to smooth, lift and firm skin in just 30 seconds. It contains a blend of ingredients including l-ascorbic acid, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C that help to brighten your complexion by encouraging new cell production while protecting against free radicals from the sun or pollution.
It is a great option for anyone looking to get an instant face lift without the pain or downtime of surgery. The serum also comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, so you can try it risk-free.
Platinum Lux Eye Cream
Platinum Deluxe Eye Cream is one of the best eye creams on the market. It’s a great product that works to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines around your eyes, as well as increase moisture levels in the area. This cream also has good ingredients that can help with dark circles, puffiness and dryness by reducing inflammation and promoting collagen production.
It’s easy to use this eye cream because it comes in an easy-to-use tube that you put onto your fingertip or under your eye area (the sensitive part) with each application—no need for any messy brushes or awkward tools! You can also apply it daily if desired; however, we recommend using it every other night at first until you see how your skin reacts with its regular use over time before making any changes based off what else may be going on with your skin care regimen overall
. The Purium Eye Gel is another great option for your eye care. It’s a product that you can use daily or as needed, depending on your skin type and other factors like lifestyle and age. This gel has good ingredients that promote collagen production for firmer skin around the eyes; it also reduces inflammation to help with puffiness and dark circles, as well as signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.
"For the eye area, I like the Platinum Lux Eye Cream because it combines gentle but effective ingredients with hyaluronic acid that boosts hydration and reduces lines/wrinkles. The cream also helps to reduce dark circles, puffiness and includes vitamin C for brightening." - Dr. Julie Russak M.D., F.A.A.D
For the eye area, I like the Platinum Lux Eye Cream because it combines gentle but effective ingredients with hyaluronic acid that boosts hydration and reduces lines/wrinkles. The cream also helps to reduce dark circles, puffiness and includes vitamin C for brightening.
"For all over skin care routines, I recommend using my Hydro-Therapy Serum. This product is made with 100% organic ingredients including hyaluronic acid which provides essential nutrients for a healthier looking complexion." - Dr Julie Russak M D F A AD(p)
Platinum Lux Eye Cream, $470.00 MSRP
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from free radicals. It has been shown to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots. This cream can help improve your skin's texture, tone, dullness and elasticity by helping it to retain moisture.
Vitamin C is also known as L-ascorbic acid or ascorbic acid (also known as vitamin C). It's a powerful antioxidant that delivers many beneficial effects on your body including anti-aging benefits such as reduced inflammation in joints and tissue damage caused by harmful UV rays from sun exposure; collagen production which helps keep your skin looking young; cell renewal so you appear younger longer!
Platinum Lux Vitamin C Serum
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals, which can cause wrinkles and dark spots. This vitamin also helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and hyperpigmentation. Vitamin C can help protect against sun damage, which could lead to premature aging or skin cancer.
If you're looking for an effective way to brighten your complexion, this serum should be at the top of your list! It's made with 100% pure vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which works by helping remove dead cells from the surface of the skin so they don't clog up pores over time—and that means less oiliness for you! The same goes for acne scarring: when you use this product regularly along with other products containing natural ingredients like charcoal or charcoal powder mixed into cream formulae etc., it will help improve overall appearance within weeks instead months!
"For morning skin care, I love Platinum Lux Vitamin C Serum because vitamin C increases our skins' production of collagen which makes skin look more youthful and firm! Platinum Lux Vitamin C Serum's proprietary formula also uses ferulic acid which can brighten and help even out your skin tone!" - Jodi Shays, founder of Beauty Heroes
For morning skin care, I love Platinum Lux Vitamin C Serum because vitamin C increases our skins' production of collagen which makes skin look more youthful and firm! Platinum Lux Vitamin C Serum's proprietary formula also uses ferulic acid which can brighten and help even out your skin tone!
For night time beauty routines, I recommend using the Essence Sensitive Night Cream as it instantly soothes any redness or irritation on your face. This product contains rosehip seed oil which helps leave your face feeling smoother and softer than ever before!
Platinum Lux Vitamin C Serum, $455.00 MSRP
A Vitamin C Serum is a powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, brighten the skin, even out your tone and improve its appearance. It also improves skin firmness, elasticity and helps to restore moisture levels in your complexion.
Vitamin C helps with the production of collagen which is an important component of healthy connective tissue (collagen helps make up 85% of our bodies). Collagen helps maintain healthy hair growth as well as keep our blood vessels strong!
Cleanse your skin properly.
Cleanse your skin properly.
In order to take care of your skin, you should cleanse it properly first. This means that you need to wash your face with water or a cleanser and then pat dry with a towel or tissue before applying moisturizer and sunscreen. You can also use cleansing wipes if you have them available at home but make sure not to use too much pressure when wiping off dirt from the surface of your face as this could cause irritation on sensitive areas like around eyes or mouth area where lip balm might be applied later on during day time activities such as eating lunch with friends before heading back home again
If possible, avoid touching any part of face area immediately after washing because doing so may lead towards breakouts due lackadaisical approach towards cleaning process itself - which is definitely not good thing!
Take care of your eye area.
Your eye area is another part of your face that can get clogged with makeup and grime. Make sure to use a gentle cleanser on your eyes, followed by an eye cream with hyaluronic acid to help restore the natural moisture balance in this part of your face. Also, look for serum products that contain vitamin C—this will help keep fine lines at bay as well as improve skin elasticity.
Eye masks are another great way to treat yourself! They’re perfect for sleeping or relaxing after work, so try using one once a week if possible (or whenever you feel like it).
Wear sunscreen.
Wear sunscreen every day. Sun damage is cumulative, so the more you expose your skin to the sun, the more damage it will sustain. The best way to prevent sun damage is by wearing a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) sunscreen daily and reapplying as needed throughout the day. If you're not sure what SPF level will be most appropriate for your skin type and activity level, consult with a dermatologist or other health professional before deciding on a product!
Apply sunscreen before going outside: It's important that you apply enough lotion before heading out into the heat; otherwise, because of how quickly sweat evaporates from our bodies while we exercise outdoors, there's no time left over once we've finished sweating profusely—and without proper protection against UV rays coming through our windows/skylight etc., those rays could cause premature aging among other problems like wrinkles around eyes/mouth area where sagging occurs quicker than normal due to lacklustre collagen production caused by exposure over long periods which takes place primarily during childhood years when children spend most time playing outside without any real purpose behind doing so besides just enjoying being active themselves rather than focusing solely on academics like adults do nowadays instead preferring leisure activities such as sports instead."
Start exfoliating.
Exfoliating is a great way to get rid of dead skin cells, dirt and oil that can clog pores. It also helps to remove blackheads, whiteheads and acne-causing bacteria from the surface of your skin. Exfoliation is a good way to treat fine lines as well.
Forget about pore strips.
Pore strips are a waste of time and money. They can cause skin damage and they’re not effective, so why use them?
You won't see results for several weeks.
The strips may leave behind a residue that causes further irritation and inflammation in the area where you applied it.
The strips often leave behind chemicals that negatively affect your skin's health over time, which is something we don't want to do!
Develop a basic routine for your skin type.
Begin by choosing a cleanser and toner that are gentle enough to use every day. Once you’ve finished your first routine, you can choose from the following products:
Moisturizer - This is the step where you lock in hydration. It's important to use moisturizer after cleansing so your skin doesn't dry out, but before applying eye cream (because this can make dark circles worse). If you have dry patches around lips or on eyelids, try an exfoliating treatment like Lush's Body Butter ($6).
Serum/Mask - In addition to targeting specific concerns like acne breakouts and fine lines around eyes/mouths (check out our favorite serums), these formulas also help boost collagen production within 24 hours! Their ingredients will vary depending on what they're meant for—for example, if someone has oily skin then they'll need something with humectants like hyaluronic acid instead of those who have thirsty-looking complexions like ours here at Platinum Deluxe HQ :)
Moisturize daily.
Moisturizing is important, but don't overdo it. You don't want to end up looking like a prune or feeling like one—and your skin will thank you for being careful about how much moisturizer you use.
Moisturizer should also be applied before bedtime as well as in the morning; this will help keep your face hydrated throughout the day and prevent any dry patches from forming overnight.
Repair and hydrate the skin at night.
Hydration is important for skin health. The skin loses water through the day and needs to be replenished by applying moisturizer at night. Water is a natural moisturizer, so you may want to consider using it in combination with other products that are meant for sensitive or dry skin types.
Don't pick at your skin.
One of the most important things you can do for your skin is to stop picking at it. Picking at your skin will only cause more problems and make them worse than they already are, so don't do it!
You should also avoid using pore strips or harsh products on your face, especially if you're using any kind of retinol (the acid-based ingredient found in many creams). These products can be very drying for sensitive skin, so if you have oily or combination skin that's prone to clogged pores and breakouts, then those types of treatments may not be right for you.
If possible (and depending on how much experience with skincare products I have), I'll usually stick with an oil cleanser like Curology Cleansing Balm ($30) as my first step after washing my face before bedtime every night—but even when I'm feeling lazy about cleansing at night (which isn't often), there are still plenty of options out there that won't irritate my skin!
With these tips, you can have younger looking skin in a healthy way
As you begin your skin-care routine, it is important to have a clear understanding of what types of products will be best for you. There are many different types of skin care products available today, and each person has their own unique needs.
For example, if your acne is mild and does not cause any scarring then an oil-free moisturizer may be more appropriate than one with SPF protection. On the other hand, if your skin gets dry easily or has lots of fine lines then a cream that contains both cream and serum might be better suited for you. It's also important to know what type of product works best with your lifestyle: Are there certain times during the day when using sunscreen makes sense? Does someone else in your family use makeup every day? What about at night before bedtime when they go out without their usual protective gear (such as sunscreen)?
Once these questions have been answered though it's time get started on implementing all those new beauty tips into everyday life!
We hope you found this article helpful and that it inspired you to take your skin care routine to the next level. Yes, there are many products out there that promise to make your skin look younger but they just don't work as well as we would like them too or maybe they do but leave behind some harmful ingredients that can damage our skin further down the road. As always, we recommend consulting with a dermatologist before making any changes in your skincare routine so they can discuss what is best suited for your needs!