Where to Invest In Your Skincare. Spend vs. Save — Where to Invest In Your Skincare. Platinum Deluxe® Cosmetics

Spend vs. Save — Where to Invest In Your Skincare.

Spend vs. Save — Where to Invest In Your Skincare.

Skincare is an important part of looking after your skin. It can help prevent small wrinkles and fine lines from forming, as well as keeping your skin looking young and healthy. However, if you're not careful about how much money you spend on skincare products, it could also lead to bigger problems down the road.

For example: If you don't use up all the product in your skincare routine before buying more products or switching brands, you'll end up wasting money on something that may not work as well for your skin type anymore (and maybe even make things worse).

Get a facial at the beauty counter.

  • Get a facial at the beauty counter.

  • You can get a facial for less than $150.

  • You can get a facial for more than $100.

  • You can get a facial for less than an hour, but not much longer (like 30 minutes).

  • And if you want to splurge on an hourlong treatment, it will cost about $150 on average in U.S. salons and spas—but that's just the average price! Some places offer cheaper options or even freebies with purchase (like 15% off).

Use scrubs, masks and serums before applying moisturizer.

  • Scrubs, masks and serums can be used to remove dead skin cells, impurities and other debris from the surface of your face.

  • They also help to hydrate your skin.

  • This is because they contain ingredients that penetrate deeply into the layers of your dermis (the second layer), where moisture is produced by the epidermis (the first layer). In addition to improving hydration in this area, scrubs also exfoliate it so that you get smoother looking skin after application!

Invest in an eye cream.

Invest in an eye cream.

If you have been following the skincare trend, you've probably heard a lot about eye creams. Eye creams are a great way to treat your eyes and prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, dark circles under your eyes, puffiness around your eyes and fine lines around them. Some people even use them as moisturizers for their whole face!

Check the expiration date on your face products.

You can get a lot of value from your products if you know how to use them correctly. But sometimes, it's hard to know if your items are still effective and safe after they've expired. That's why I recommend checking the expiration date on your face products before using them.

The best way to do this is by looking at the packaging: Make sure that everything has an expiration date clearly written on it (and remember that some companies have different standards for their products). If there aren't any dates listed anywhere in the packaging or on their website, then ask yourself these questions: Is there anything else unique about this product? Does it smell differently than other skincare items I own? Is this something new or different from what I'm used to buying every day at my local grocery store/drugstore chain store? If so, maybe now would be a good time for me start doing my homework when shopping around town so I don't waste any money buying something that doesn't live up its hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype price tag!

A good skincare routine can help keep you looking your best.

A good skincare routine can help keep you looking your best. If you have acne, this may be the time to invest in a facial. If you're just looking for a little TLC, try applying a few products that are safe to use and effective at making your skin look healthy. In addition to being affordable and good for the environment (you don't want to buy plastic bottles), they should also be easy on your wallet—and we all know how important that is!

So what should you invest in? We recommend going for something simple like our Vitamin C Serum or Rosehip Oil ($15 each). Both of these products have been proven by dermatologists themselves as effective at reducing signs of aging while also leaving users feeling refreshed and revived after application."


We hope this article has helped you understand the benefits of skincare and how it can help you look and feel your best. Skincare is an important part of your daily routine, so don’t forget to invest in products that will keep you looking younger longer!

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