Skincare Routine Blog All Natural Organic Skincare Anti-Aging Healthy Living Beauty

  • The Best Skin-Care Routine for Your 50s-Platinum Deluxe

    The-Best-Skin-Care-Routine-for-Your-50s-Platinum-Deluxe Platinum Delux ®

    Whether you're in your late 30s, early 40s, or somewhere in between, it's a good idea to start thinking about your skin-care routine as you approach the big 5-0.

    I know, I know: You're not supposed to think about getting older, but this isn't just about vanity; it's also about preventing wrinkles and other signs of damage due to sun exposure. So let me help you get started on the right foot with these five steps:

    Step 1: Cleanse your skin.

    Step 1: Cleanse your skin.

    • For dry skin, use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer.

    • For oily skin, use a mild facial cleanser and toner. If you have very oily skin, exfoliate twice per week (once with an exfoliating pad or cloth) to remove dead cells that can cause acne breakouts. Use moisturizer in the morning and evening after cleansing but avoid using it immediately before applying sunscreen—the sunscreen will leave a white film on your face which will make it more difficult for the moisturizer to absorb properly into your pores.

    If you have dry skin, use a creamy or thicker moisturizer. Use lightweight facial moisturizers for oily skin, but avoid alcohol-based ones. If you have very oily skin, try using oil-free products that are labeled “noncomedogenic” (meaning they won’t clog pores).

  • "Mind Blown" By This Vitamin C and Peptide Serum

    "Mind Blown" By This Vitamin C and Peptide Serum Platinum Delux ®

    Consumers Say They were, mind blown" with the aid of This nutrition C and Peptide Serum

    clients Are Calling Olay’s most up-to-date diet C and Peptide infused Serum “lightweight radiance” — and It’s on sale

    did you know that using diet C normally in your skincare routine could make your skin look automatically brighter, smoother, and greater bright? or not it s authentic. The powerhouse additive trims breakouts, decreases solar harm, and eases hyperpigmentation. thanks to Olay s latest serum, adding it to your movements is handy — just add a few lowers and watch how instantly your skin transforms. The best part? The vitamin C in the serum teams up with peptides to maintain the epidermis hydrated and bouncy, now not dry and bound.