My Daily Skincare Routine My Daily Skincare Routine Platinum Deluxe® Cosmetics

My Daily Skincare Routine

My Daily Skincare Routine-Platinum Deluxe

I've been doing this for a while and it helps with my acne and makes my skin feel soft.


  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser.

  • Use a toner to remove any remaining dirt and oil.

  • Apply moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

  • Apply sunscreen before you go out in the sun


  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser. This can be done in the morning and evening, but I prefer to do it at night because it feels like a relaxing ritual before bed.

  • Apply moisturizer to hydrate your skin and prevent dehydration from occurring throughout the day (especially if you're living in an area with high humidity or temperatures). You should also apply this after washing your face if you have dry patches on any part of your body that need extra attention!

  • Use a face mask once or twice per week for deep cleaning--this will help exfoliate dead skin cells away so new ones can grow in their place! If you're feeling extra fancy, add some honey into your weekly routine as well; studies show that honey has anti-aging properties thanks to its antioxidants!

I've been doing this for a while and it helps with my acne and makes my skin feel soft.

My daily skincare routine is pretty simple. I use a gentle cleanser, a moisturizer and toner, and an exfoliant.

I've been doing this for a while now and it helps with my acne and makes my skin feel soft!


I hope you enjoyed reading this post! I know it can be overwhelming to try and figure out what skincare routine is right for you, but I really believe that it's worth taking the time to find products that work with your skin type and needs. If you have any questions about my routine or suggestions on how I could improve it further please leave them in the comments below!

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