10 Ways Christmas Holidays can Wreak Havoc on your Skin And Protected By Platinum Deluxe Platinum Delux ®

10 Ways Christmas Holidays can Wreak Havoc on your Skin And Protected By Platinum Deluxe


10 Ways Christmas Holidays can Wreak Havoc on your Skin And Protected By Platinum Deluxe


Do you hate the way your skin feels after the Christmas holidays? It's not just you, studies have shown that the holidays can wreak havoc on your skin. Here are ten ways the Christmas holidays can wreak havoc on your skin and be protected by platinum deluxe.

1. Excess sun exposure

The sun is the number one enemy of your skin, exposing it to harmful rays that are particularly dangerous during the winter months, as you can have a false sense of security because it isn't so hot.

2. Less care of your skin

Don't forget to take care of yourself during the Christmas holidays! There's so much going on and you may find you cut back on some of your skincare routines during this time but remember that the ingredients in some products can actually diminish in concentration over time so it is important to use products with active ingredients.

3. Skin aging

This is a common problem that can be caused by harsh weather, dryness, and lack of moisture, catching a cold or flu with symptoms such as red eyes, sneezing and sore throats can all affect your skin.

4. Skipping facials

Now is the time to treat yourself to a professional facial or two, if you can't get it done then go ahead and at least do some light treatments or masks in the comfort of your own home.



5. Sweating:

Sweating is a natural response to the heat and humidity of the Christmas holidays. But sweating can also increase the number of toxins and bacteria on your skin. Make sure to stay hydrated and avoid exposure to harsh sun rays. The combination of warm weather and dehydration can cause overheating (and sweating) to occur. It is important to drink plenty of water when you're outside in the cold so that you aren't too dehydrated to sweat effectively if you do get too hot.




6. Candles:

Candles are a classic decoration for the Christmas holidays. But candles can also be a source of skin irritation. Make sure to use caution when burning candles, and avoid direct exposure to the flames. Other than this, If you are planning on lighting candles this Christmas season, be sure to keep them well out of reach from your sleeves and pant legs. You can even light a few candles around the house before you get dressed to have some nice, flattering light. Make sure that the candles are in stable, safe containers away from anything that could catch fire or fall over. Just be careful!


7. Holiday Parties:


Holiday parties can be a lot of fun, but they can also be a source of skin irritation. Make sure to take care of your skin before, during, and after the party. The holiday season is filled with parties and it is amazing how easily one night of bad choices can set your skin back for months. We don't want to sound like your mother, but always remember to remove your makeup before sleeping (your pores will thank you!) and don't drink more than two drinks at one time if you want to avoid puffy bags under your eyes for the next three weeks.


8. Cold Weather:

The cold weather can cause your skin to become red and irritated. Keep your skin warm and dry by wearing warm clothes and using a heating pad or cozy blanket during the Christmas holidays.


9. Waxing:

Waxing is a popular beauty treatment. But waxing can also be a source of skin irritation. Make sure to use caution when waxing, and avoid exposure to the wax.


10. Sugar Intake:

The holiday season can be a time of increased sugar intake, which can cause breakouts in people with sensitive skin. Try to limit your sugar intake and eat a balanced diet to avoid any skin issues.

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