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How long should you keep beauty products?


How long should you keep beauty products?

A beauty product that has passed its expiration date is not worth using. The article below outlines why it's important to keep cosmetics for longer than they say on the label:

Expiration dates

Expiration dates are not always accurate.

They can be misleading, too. Even if you buy a product that has an expiration date and it's still good, there's no guarantee that it will stay fresh for long enough to get the full use out of it. For example, some cosmetics might have longer shelf lives than others but still go bad quickly if they're unused before they expire (or even slightly used). Other products won't need to be tossed right away--they'll keep going strong until their labels start to fall off or part of their packaging starts deteriorating on its own! The bottom line is: don't rely on expiration dates alone for determining when something needs replacing in your beauty regimen. Instead, look at how well each item held up after its recommended amount of time had passed since purchase

Storage of cosmetics

When you're not using your products, make sure that they're stored somewhere safe and dry. Keeping cosmetics and other chemicals in a bathroom with steamy showers or humid air is not the best idea--that's where bacteria can grow and cause skin irritation.

If you are traveling, pack your cosmetics in a carry-on bag instead of putting them in checked baggage (which is often opened by TSA agents). The extra weight won't be worth it if this will cause breakage or spillage during transportation.

How to identify an expiring product

When you're in the market for a new beauty product, it's easy to forget that some of your current stash might be due for an expiration date. The best way to know if something will expire is by checking its packaging and looking for any signs that it has reached its shelf life. You should also check the ingredients list, as well as other factors such as color change or consistency changes (if your serum has become watery). If there's any doubt about whether or not a product is safe to use after its expiration date--or if any of these signs are present--throw it out!

You should keep beauty products for longer than their expiration dates.

The best way to keep beauty products fresh is by storing them properly. If you store your cosmetics in a cool dry place, they can last longer than if they were left out on the counter or in a cupboard where they would be exposed to heat and humidity. Also, if you use up any of your products before the expiration date (which should be stamped on each product), just throw them away!

However, even when following these steps correctly, there will still be an expiration date for each product--and that's why it's important to follow this rule: If a product has reached its maximum shelf life but isn't completely gone yet (like lip gloss), then it may still be okay for another few months after that time period has passed.


We hope this information has been helpful in answering your question about how long to keep beauty products. Remember, it's important to read the packaging carefully so that you know what's happening with your cosmetics before they expire. And remember that we've all got different needs when it comes to beauty products—if there's something new on the market that sounds like a great fit for you, give it a try!

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