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Your top skincare tips for problematic skin

Your top skincare tips for problematic skin

People with problematic skin have a lot of questions about skincare. How do I get rid of pimples on my forehead? What should I use for dry skin? What's the best moisturizer for my face? We've got answers to all these questions and more! Here are our top tips when it comes to skincare for problematic skin:

Cleanse twice a day

Cleanse twice a day:

  • Use a gentle cleanser. Avoid harsh scrubs and exfoliants, which can irritate the skin further.

  • Cleanse your skin before bedtime. Doing so will help remove any dirt or oil that has accumulated on your face throughout the day, keeping your pores clear and preventing breakouts from occurring overnight when they're more likely to appear in clumps due to being clogged with bacteria (ew).

  • Cleanse again in the morning after removing makeup! It's important not only to cleanse but also remove makeup prior to washing off any residue left behind by cleansers or toners (which we'll talk about later).


Exfoliation is a must for anyone with problematic skin. It helps to remove dead skin cells and other debris that can clog pores, leading to more breakouts.

Exfoliating should be done at least once every other day, but if you're looking for something more powerful than an everyday cleanser or scrub, look for a product with salicylic acid (or beta hydroxy acid) in it--these ingredients will help dissolve the pore-clogging sebum within the follicle wall. Another option is glycolic acid which works in much the same way as salicylic acid but is less irritating on sensitive skin types like mine!

You should always use your exfoliant in combination with other skincare products--for example: I always use my Garnier Micellar Water followed by my Paula's Choice Resist Daily Pore Refining Treatment after cleansing; this way everything gets removed properly without any harshness left behind!


Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skincare, and it's especially important if you have acne-prone or oily skin. Your skin should be moisturized twice a day - once in the morning, and again before bedtime.

  • Use a light moisturizer with ingredients like soothing aloe Vera or licorice extract to help balance excess sebum production. A good rule of thumb is to look for products labelled "non-comedogenic" - these are less likely to cause breakouts on oily skin types because they won't clog pores (but do check with your dermatologist before using this method).

  • If you have dry patches on other parts of your body like elbows or knees then use a richer cream there instead!

Use a serum containing ingredients like soothing aloe vera or licorice extract

Serums are a fantastic way to target specific skin concerns, such as reducing redness or evening out texture. They're also great if you have sensitive skin because they're more gentle than creams and moisturizers.

If you want to use a serum in your skincare routine, it's best to apply it after cleansing but before moisturizing (this is because serums tend to be more oily than creams). You can apply them on their own or as part of an entire routine - for example: cleansing, toner/astringent, serum(s), moisturizer/creams/lotions etc..

Your top skincare tips for problematic skin

  • Cleansing twice a day is the first step in any skincare routine. This helps to remove excess sebum, dirt and grime that can lead to blocked pores and breakouts.

  • Exfoliation is another important step for getting rid of dead skin cells on your face and body. It helps improve circulation within the skin, which makes it look brighter & healthier overall!

  • Moisturizing should always be used after cleansing & exfoliating because it locks in moisture into the skin keeping it hydrated throughout the day or night!


We hope you've found this article helpful and informative. If you have any other top skincare tips for problematic skin, please share them in the comments below!

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