What is acne, and what are its types?
How do I know what type of acne I have?
Did you know that there are more than 10 types of acne, and each one is eliminated differently? Keep reading and find out everything related to this common condition today. In addition, we will give you some tips to prevent its appearance and show off radiant skin.
What is acne?
Acne is a skin condition when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. This causes inflammation and causes pimples, blackheads, blackheads, or whiteheads.
Acne is most common among teens and young adults, although it affects people of all ages. It usually appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders.
Causes of acne on the face
Many causes can generate the appearance of acne breakouts; below, we explain the main ones:
The Cutibacterium acnes, formerly known as P. acnes, is the principal bacteria that causes acne. It is found in the sebaceous glands of all people and is part of the skin microbiome, helping to maintain its balance. When it is produced excessively, it causes an imbalance in the skin, alters fat production, and skin lesions appear.
The menstrual cycle causes an increase in the hormone progesterone, stimulating the secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands. This alteration can also cause skin swelling and compression of the pores. The same is the case with pregnancy and the use of some oral contraceptives.
The polycystic ovary syndrome occurs when the ovaries produce more hormones than the average male, mainly testosterone. This causes an overproduction of sebum and leads to mild to moderate inflammatory lesions.
Finally, stress is a factor that, although it does not directly cause acne, can worsen its symptoms due to the excess of the hormone cortisol.
Genetic predisposition is not a decisive factor in the appearance of acne. However, it does play an important role. If you have close family members who have suffered from severe acne lesions, there is a chance that you will develop them, but they can be prevented with proper care.
Comedogenic and occlusive products.
A comedogenic product produces blackheads, pimples, or pimples because it clogs the skin's pores and does not allow it to sweat. Some examples are heavy makeup bases, coconut oil, flaxseed, olive oil, skincare vegetable butter, and many home remedies.
Some drugs
Excess B vitamins, steroids, corticosteroids, testosterone, estrogens, birth control pills, or hormonal birth control devices can worsen acne.
Injuries caused by acne
Acne can cause various types of lesions; here we explain them:
- The comedones or blackheads are small protrusions containing pus, bacteria, or dead skin. Its interior can be liquid or solid, white, yellowish, and even dark.
- The papules are reddish lesions caused by inflammation that can be painful.
- The pustules are similar to papules, only they contain yellow pus and have a white to yellowish center.
- The nodules are large lumps of solid consistency that accumulate below the skin surface and can be painful.
- The cysts are large pus-filled bumps that carry the highest risk of causing permanent scarring.
- The atrophic scars are small holes or slits in the skin, appear when the skin does not produce enough fibroblasts and does not heal properly.
Types of acne
There are different types of acne; the most common are:
Acne vulgaris.
It is the most common type of acne and is also known as adolescent acne, puberty acne, ordinary or straightforward acne. It occurs mainly during adolescence due to bacteria such as Cutibacterium acnes. Its main characteristics are the presence of comedones, papules, and pustules. It usually appears on the face and upper body.
Late acne
It is also known as adult acne and is usually shared among women who have taken the pill and switched to another method or form a family; its causes are mainly hormonal. As soon as they stop taking the pill, blemishes appear. The symptoms of adult acne are usually mild to moderate and can leave both scars and red spots.
Hormonal acne
This type of acne is associated with hormonal changes at any age, especially in women. Its lesions are mild to moderate and occur mainly on the chin, jaw, neck, and around the mouth.
Cystic acne
It is the type of acne that is most noticeable since it produces papules and pustules, which are very painful. It can lead to cysts with blood crusts in the most severe cases. It usually leaves deep marks and scars, as well as post-inflammatory spots.
Mild acne
Commonly known as comedogenic acne, it appears mainly during adolescence. It consists of various blemishes that can be blackheads, pimples, and papules. It occurs on the forehead, nose, and cheeks. This type of acne usually does not leave scars.
Moderate acne
Moderate acne or papulopustular acne is also common during adolescence. His injuries are moderate to severe. It usually consists of a mixture of papules and pustules. The skin may look red and inflamed and cause pain. It usually leaves scars and post-inflammatory spots.
Severe acne
Also called acne conglobata is a rare form of acne; it usually appears during puberty, although it can also occur in adulthood. It consists of papules and pustules that can clump together and form painful nodules or cysts. This type of acne has a significant risk of generating post-inflammatory scars and spots.
Cosmetic acne
It occurs when the skin reacts to comedogenic substances present in some cosmetics. These substances clog the sebaceous glands and do not allow them to sweat, triggering blemishes. Symptoms usually disappear when the product is stopped using.
Mechanical Acne
It is also known as friction acne. It occurs when an object rubs our skin for a long time, retaining sweat against the skin and causing more significant sebum production. Usually, the skin returns to normal after
Due to the pandemic, our skin is constantly exposed to prolonged mask use, which generates an excessive accumulation of oils on the face. Adding to these hormonal factors and lack of hygiene can cause pimples and pimples, mainly in the areas covered by the mask.
6 tips to prevent acne
Here we will give you some tips to prevent acne breakouts.
- Wash your face in the morning and at night with cool water and a liquid cleanser with a skin-friendly pH. Avoid bar soaps and cleansers that suds too much and have fragrance. A good cleaning removes excess oil without drying out the skin, further aggravating the problem.
- Avoid constant use of makeup and permanently remove makeup before going to sleep. A face free of unnecessary ingredients balances faster.
- Don't rub your face. Avoid doing it by hand, cloth towels, makeup remover wipes, brushes or sponges, as it can cause friction acne
- Try not to pinch the bars. This can cause more inflammation and scarring, and it can carry the bacteria to other areas of your face.
- Hydrate your skin correctly; well-hydrated skin produces less sebum, is regular, and therefore has fewer blemishes.
- If you start to notice severe acne symptoms, see a dermatologist.
How to remove acne?
Once you have identified your type of acne, we suggest opting for a minimalist routine that comprehensively treats acne; that is, it does not focus only on removing excess oil from the skin but instead controls inflammation, balances the beneficial bacteria, uses a suitable pH, dries the bars without drying out the skin and deeply hydrates it so that it can be healthy. Remember that if your symptoms are severe, you should see a specialist since some types of acne require dermatological treatments.
Here we recommend some cosmetic ingredients:
The niacinamide will help soothe the redness of the skin, regulate fat production, and improve the barrier function of the skin. It is also very effective in reducing post-inflammatory spots.
The salicylic acid helps reduce swelling and redness of the skin while unclogging pores and allowing pimples to dry.
The hidroxidecenoico acid (HDA) is an antimicrobial and antifungal ingredient that prevents acne bacteria increase on the skin.
The benzoyl peroxide helps prevent bacteria's proliferation, causing cystic lesions and comedones. It has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and comedolytic action.
The azelaic acid reduces h inchazón and redness. It kills the bacteria that infect the pores and reduces the production of keratin, a natural substance that can lead to the development of acne.
The glycolic acid eliminates clogging of the pores and reduces the appearance of blackheads. In addition, it is also effective in fading post-inflammatory spots.
We know that acne is a complicated condition that affects your self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, there are currently many treatments to treat your symptoms and improve the appearance of your skin.
It is essential first to identify the type of acne and then find the right solution; remember that the imperfections on your skin do not define you. Leave us in the comments what caught your attention in this article; we love to hear your opinion!
What is acne exactly?