skincare routine for a relaxing weekend 'Lazy' skincare routine for a relaxing weekend Platinum Deluxe® Cosmetics

'Lazy' skincare routine for a relaxing weekend

'Lazy' skincare routine for a relaxing weekend

When you're stressed and have a mountain of work to do, it can be hard to find time for skincare. But, the more you learn about skincare, the more you realize it's not just about having glowing skin - it's also about reducing stress and boosting your self-esteem. That's why finding even 10 minutes in your day to take care of yourself can be a great way to start getting life back on track again. We asked seven experts - including an esthetician, clinical aromatherapist and naturopath - for their advice on how to create a relaxing weekend 'lazy' skincare routine that you can do at home in just 10 minutes or less

When you're stressed and have a mountain of work to do, it can be hard to find time for skincare.

When you're stressed and have a mountain of work to do, it can be hard to find time for skincare. But when skin is neglected, it can lead to breakouts and other problems that will affect your health and self-esteem.

So how do we fit in a relaxing routine when our lives are so busy? The answer lies in finding ways of making skincare quick and easy--or even better: automatic!

But, the more you learn about skincare, the more you realize it's not just about having glowing skin - it's also about reducing stress and boosting your self-esteem.

But, the more you learn about skincare, the more you realize it's not just about having glowing skin - it's also about reducing stress and boosting your self-esteem.

As someone who has been practicing a lazy skincare routine for years (seriously, my morning routine takes me less than five minutes), I can tell you that these benefits are well worth it!

That's why finding even 10 minutes in your day to take care of yourself can be a great way to start getting life back on track again.

The benefits of taking 10 minutes out of your day to do something good for yourself are endless. It's time that you're not spending on work or other obligations, so it can be used however you want. Maybe you want to read a book or catch up on Netflix, but there's no reason why you shouldn't also spend some time taking care of yourself.

The importance of finding time in our busy schedules to take care of ourselves isn't always clear until we notice the impact on our health and happiness when we don't make those little self-care decisions--or when we do make them but don't stick with them long enough because they feel like too much effort!

We asked seven experts - including an esthetician, clinical aromatherapist and naturopath - for their advice on how to create a relaxing weekend 'lazy' skincare routine that you can do at home in just 10 minutes or less.

  • Make sure you have time to relax. This is the most important thing. If you're already feeling stressed and busy, don't add another task onto your list!

  • Don't feel guilty if you can't do all of it. Your skincare routine doesn't have to be perfect, or even long-lasting--it's just about taking care of yourself in small ways that make a difference over time.

  • Take time off from work if possible (or at least set aside an hour or two). Skincare doesn't need to happen at the office; in fact, some experts recommend taking care of yourself during breaks so that stress doesn't build up throughout the day and negatively impact how well your skin looks when wearing makeup later on in the week/month/year... etcetera!

  • There are many ways to relax - don't feel like yours has to look exactly like someone else's!

There's no need to spend hours on your skincare routine when you only want 10 minutes here and there.

There's no need to spend hours on your skincare routine when you only want 10 minutes here and there.

There are ways to fit in a quick skincare routine into your busy schedule, but first, let's talk about the importance of taking time for yourself. We all know that it's important to get enough sleep, eat well and exercise regularly--but how often do we actually make time for ourselves? When was the last time you sat down with a cup of tea or coffee (or even just water) and just relaxed?

The answer might be "never." And that's okay! It can be hard when there are so many things vying for our attention: work projects; family obligations; other hobbies or interests that take up our spare time outside of work--the list goes on and on. But it's vital that we find some way to relax from time-to-time because stress has been linked with higher rates of heart disease and depression .


If you're looking for an easy way to take care of yourself, the experts we spoke to had some great tips. From using essential oils in your shower and making sure you have a good moisturizer on hand at all times, these are all easy ways to boost your self-esteem while relaxing on the weekend.

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