The Skin-Care Trends to Know in 2023, According to the Experts Platinum Delux ®

The Skin-Care Trends to Know in 2023, According to the Experts


The Skin-Care Trends to Know in 2023, According to the Experts

Platinum Deluxe is redefining skincare, and we are mavericks in the industry.

Platinum Deluxe® cosmetics are designed to deliver the best possible results. We use only the highest quality ingredients in our cosmetics, including a proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, botanical extracts and pure essential oils. With over 30 years of experience creating high-quality products, we know how to make you look your best every day

Platinum Deluxe LED face masks and other at-home devices

LED light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses LED lights to treat skin conditions. The beauty industry has gone crazy for this technology, and it's easy to see why! The results are amazing.

Here's how it works: you apply a mask or cream containing the right amount of active ingredient (usually something like vitamin C) and leave it on while you read or watch TV or whatever else you do while your face is wrapped in plastic wrap that emits light.

Then, when you take off the mask/cream after 30 minutes, your skin looks great! You can also use an at-home device called an LED headband that hooks onto your head so that you don't have to hold anything against your face; instead all the benefits will come from being close enough for those wonderful wavelengths from above which we love so much...

"I think the biggest trend for 2023 in skincare is going to be home devices, and specifically the Platinum Gold Red Light Therapy," says dermatologist Dr. Sheila Farhang. "This is because it uses both red and infrared light wavelengths, which have many benefits for skin." That includes helping to speed up healing, reducing pain, stimulating collagen and elastin production, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving acne scars, fading stretch marks and dark spots, reducing inflammation, improving wound healing, killing bacteria for clearer skin, easing joint pain and even boosting hair growth.

In the future, you can expect home devices like this to be more widely available. "I think the biggest trend for 2023 in skincare is going to be home devices, and specifically the Platinum Gold Red Light Therapy," says dermatologist Dr. Sheila Farhan. "This is because it uses both red and infrared light wavelengths, which have many benefits for skin." That includes helping to speed up healing, reducing pain, stimulating collagen and elastin production (which helps keep your skin looking young), reducing fine lines and wrinkles (a common problem with aging), improving acne scars (another common issue with aging), fading stretch marks (a sign of weight gain) and dark spots caused by sun exposure or hormonal changes that cause uneven pigmentation on your face or body parts such as arms or legs


We’re excited to see what else the future holds for skincare. With all of these new technologies, there is no doubt that we will continue to see improvements in how we care for our skin.

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