Skincare experts are now mixing the two substances in a quest to create which is more effective than ever.


Retinol and azelaic acid are commonly used as ingredients that help treat acne and its scars.

  1. It also helps protect against sun damage
  2. accelerates cellular turnover
  3. boosts collagen production


Now these two substances can be used together for better skincare that requires less steps for application, an ideal solution for busy people on the go. The downside is retinol is a bit of a skin-irritant so those with sensitive skin may find this solution isn't feasible.


Despite the fact that retinol and azelaic acid can be used in the same products, it's recommended to first mix them up separately in order to see which has a more desirable long-term effect on skin. Experts look for a combination of three ingredients that contain all three properties such as retinol, arbutin and acetic acid. Acetic acid helps treat acne and reduces scar formation while arbutin protects against UV damage. Retinol is also known to increase collagen production and speed up cell turnover, making a blend of these ingredients ideal for hydrating, regenerating and protecting the skin while also reducing fine lines, wrinkles and scars.


How To Use Retinol And Azelaic Acid Together for skincare?


One of the best ways to quickly achieve glowing, beautiful skin is by combining a retinoid with azelaic acid. Retinoids improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, increase skin shedding for radiant complexion, and stimulate collagen production for firmer skin. Azelaic are a great balancing agent because they reduce both acne breakouts and excessive oiliness.


In order to get the most out of each product you're using, it's important to apply them at different times throughout the day and week so that they don't interfere with one another.


Here are seven ways to use retinol and azelaic acid together for great skincare:


1. Apply with your favorite moisturizer in the morning:


 If you're using a retinoid at night and you don't have time to incorporate it into your routine in the morning, you can apply it with a moisturizer during the day. Retinoids tend to be heavier on the skin and so they can give a little more natural coverage than some other options. When used with a moisturizer, this will ensure that you get plenty of intense moisture into the skin that will help maintain healthy skin cells and prevent future breakouts.


2. Mix it into your foundation at night:


If you're using a retinoid during the day and don't have time for extra skincare, you can mix a few drops into your makeup to get some of the benefits. Just don't overdo it! You only want to use one or two drops at most. This will help the makeup last longer without drying out your skin, which is no fun or effective.


3. Alternate each night:


You may want to alternate each night depending on your individual skin type and what ingredients work better in your skincare .



Retinol VS Azelaic Acid: What’s The Difference?

Retinol and azelaic acid are both fantastic for getting rid of acne and preventing dark spots, but there are two key differences between the two that you should know about. First, retinol is less irritating than azelaic acid, so it’s a better choice if you have sensitive skin. Second, while both will clear up acne on your face faster than anything else available today that can be bought at the store or online, azelaic acid will also work to fade dark marks on your neck and chest area. This is because azelaic acid is more potent than retinol when it comes to treating hyperpigmentation, so it’s a better choice for those dark spots on other parts of your body.


However, there are still some key differences between the two as well. First, retinol will cost more than azelaic acid, but you’re going to be able to get 10 times more of the retinol in the form of a product called Retin-A compared to what you can get from an acne product like Dufferin that contains only one percent of retinol. This is important because you need to use a high enough percentage of retinol to see results.


For example, if you’re using Dufferin and it doesn’t work for your blackheads, then switching to Retin A will give you much better results. Second, azelaic acid is going to fade brown spots faster than retinol. However, retinol is going to make them lighter in the long-term whereas azelaic acid won’t. It takes 2-3 months just to see a difference with azelaic acid while with Retin A the change should be noticeable within three weeks or less.



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