Skincare routine for normal skin
Skincare routine for normal skin
You don't have to spend a fortune on fancy products or treatments. In fact, the best skincare routine is right at your fingertips: your daily cleanser, toner and moisturizer. But it's not just about using the right products; it's also important that you choose the right ones for your skin type (if you can't tell what your skin type is yet, see our guide here). The good news is that a simple and effective routine can help keep your skin looking and feeling healthy while saving you money on expensive products that might not work as well for you. So if you're new to this whole skincare game, let us show you how!
Daily skin care routine
Your daily skin care routine is the most important step in maintaining healthy, glowing skin. It's also the most neglected part of your beauty regimen--so don't forget it!
To make a simple but effective routine:
Wash your face with warm water and a gentle cleanser (like this one). If you have sensitive or acne-prone skin, we recommend using an oil-free, fragrance-free moisturizer after washing your face instead of applying moisturizer straight from the bottle. This will help keep the pores clean without overstimulating them with chemicals like fragrances that can irritate sensitive areas on your face such as around eyes or mouth (which tend to be more susceptible than other areas due to their proximity).
Pat dry after washing with cold water so that dirt doesn't stick around longer than necessary; otherwise it'll likely lead towards clogged pores again later on down line when they're still open from being washed too much earlier today."
Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face.
Don't scrub or wash your face too often.
Don't use harsh soaps or cleansers on your face, unless you have sensitive skin. If you're using a cleanser that contains alcohol, look for one without it as well; this will help reduce the risk of drying out your skin and causing irritation in the long run!
Avoid scrubbing with a washcloth or other abrasive objects; this can cause damage to the epidermis (the outermost layer) and make acne worse by increasing inflammation levels in the area where those bumps appear most often--your cheeks!
Toners are a must-have skincare product for any skin type, but especially for normal to dry. They remove excess dirt, oil and bacteria from your pores and balance the pH of your skin. Toners can also be used as a quick wash after cleansing if you're pressed for time!
Moisturizing your skin
Moisturizing your skin is the most important step in your skincare routine. If you don't moisturize, the result will be dry, flaky skin and an uptick in pimples.
The best way to keep your skin hydrated is by using a moisturizer that's formulated for your type of skin (dry or oily, etc.). Moisturizers can be used both morning and night--just make sure to apply a small amount on each side of your face before applying makeup (or after removing it).
Sun Protection
Sunscreen is your best friend when it comes to protecting your skin from the sun. It's true that sunscreen can cause irritation, but this is only temporary and will fade quickly, especially if you're using a good brand like EltaMD.
Sun protection should be applied 15 minutes before going out into the sun and reapplied every two hours while in the sun. If you aren't using an SPF 30 or higher then I highly recommend applying sunscreen at least 15 minutes before heading outside so that it has time to sink into your skin and protect it fully (this also prevents any burning).
The most important thing to remember when applying sunscreen is that it's better safe than sorry! If there are any areas where you want coverage but not too much (i.e., nose), then apply liberally with those areas being covered first because they'll absorb more heat than others such as hands or feet would have done had there been no application whatsoever! In addition, wear hats/sunglasses outdoors and try not stay longer than 2 hours under direct sunlight between 10am-2pm during summer months as this could lead towards melanoma development later down line."
A good skincare routine can help keep your skin looking and feeling healthy.
A good skincare routine can help keep your skin looking and feeling healthy. If you're not sure where to start, try using one of the following products:
Sunblock (SPF 30 or higher)
We hope this guide has helped you get started on a skincare routine for normal skin. We know that it can be intimidating to try to figure out what works best for your skin type, but with some trial and error, we promise that you’ll find something that feels good and looks great!