THE 3 ADVANTAGES OF MINERAL SUNSCREEN   Platinum Deluxe Platinum Delux ®




Mineral sunscreen is the best option for any outdoor activity, no matter what your goals. It will protect you from both UVA and UVB rays, and can also help prevent skin irritation caused by the sun. Mineral sunscreen is a lot more stable than chemical sunscreens, making it an even better choice all around.


Why Mineral?


1. Protects From UVA Rays That Increase Skin Ageing


Unlike chemical sunscreens, Mineral sunscreen provides UVA protection because it is a natural mineral protection. It also has a very high SPF rating at 100, which means that if you have fair skin you shouldn't have to use more than one ounce to get the desired SPF coverage. One ounce is enough for most people as well, so it's not as wasteful as some of the other options out there that result in too much product being used. The main benefit of this is that since you don't need to use more than half an ounce per application, you will save money on each bottle and get the same results with less product.


2. Protects From UVB Rays That Increase Skin Cancer Risk


If you use a chemical sunscreen for your outdoor activity, you can still get sunburn from the UVB rays present in the sunlight. Chemical sunscreen may block or absorb light from certain parts of the ultraviolet spectrum, but it will not protect from UVB rays. It's much harder to get skin cancer from UVB than UVA rays, but both can be dangerous over time. Depending on your geographical area, you might have a higher risk of developing skin cancer if you are out there for an extended amount of time with a chemical sunscreen on your face. If you want to avoid that possibility, then Mineral sunscreen is the better option when it comes to sun protection.


Whether you are happy or healthy, you know that sunscreen is vital for protecting your skin when outdoors. It's a must in order to safeguard against the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. And while most people have been using the more traditional multi-use sunscreen, it may not be enough to protect them from all of the dangers and adverse effects that come with frequent sun exposure. That's where mineral or physical sunscreen comes into play.


Mineral and physical sunscreens contain ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that actually reflect UV rays off your skin, helping to protect you from getting a lot of other toxic benefits on top of what regular sunscreen already offers. But did you know there were five additional benefits that sunscreen can provide? Keep reading to find out how mineral and physical sunscreens can help you live longer, healthier and happier.



3. Mineral & Physical Sunscreens

What is a Physical Sunscreen?


Like Mineral sunscreen, physical sunscreen protects the skin from getting exposure to UV rays while still being gentle enough for sensitive skin types. At first glance, it's possible to assume that physical sunscreens actually have some chemicals in them since they are named that way, but these are never used in the actual formulas.

What is a Mineral Sunscreen?


Mineral sunscreen, also known as physical sunscreen, is a favorite choice among many people as it offers many advantages to the user. This type of sun protection factors in physical filters such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide which offer exceptional UV protection while being gentle enough for sensitive skin types. Many other brands call this type of sun protection "mineral" since it contains no chemicals or additives.


Mineral sunscreens last longer than chemical sunscreens, so you get more coverage and don't have to reapply as often. Mineral ingredients also provide extra protection against dangerous ingredients such as oxybenzone, which commonly forms in the ocean and is linked to coral bleaching.



 Platinum is a powerful skincare ingredient on its own, but with our specialized formula adding collagen and other antioxidant ingredients, there is no more powerful skincare agent on the market that can claim the same anti-aging effects. Our products help keep your skin healthy, radiant, and resilient to damage over time.

Platinum Deluxe is redefining skincare, and we are mavericks in the industry. Our formula has helped change the lives of thousands of women around the world, and we want it to change yours next.

Click Here Mineral sunscreen To Shop Platinum Deluxe

Meeting Modern Industry Standards

We never compromise on quality. All of our products are manufactured in the USA under the strict supervision of licensed professionals. This includes sourcing the highest quality ingredients and ensuring all products are shipped well before expiration so you receive the greatest value for your purchase. At Mineral sunscreen  Platinum Deluxe®, you’ll get what’s best for your skin.


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