An-ultimate-guide-to-identifying-your-skin-type Platinum Delux ®

An ultimate guide to identifying your skin type

An ultimate guide to identifying your skin type.

If you've ever been told that your skin is "oily," "normal" or "dry" you may have wondered what exactly that means. And if you don't know what your skin type is, it can be really hard to figure out how to keep it healthy. But believe me: knowing what kind of skin you have is a great first step in understanding how best to take care of yourself. In this post, we'll take an in-depth look at various skin types and how they differ from one another so that you can determine yours with confidence!

1. What does your skin feel like?

The first step to figuring out your skin type is to feel it. Are you dry? Oily? Or somewhere in between?

To get a sense of what kind of surface texture your face has, rub both hands together and then run them over different parts of your face. If the area feels rough or bumpy (like sandpaper), then it's likely that this part of your skin is dry. If the area feels smooth and soft like velvet, then it's probably oily! And if there are no noticeable changes--that is, everything seems pretty much normal and average--then congratulations: Your face may be considered normal-to-oily!

2. Does it react to the environment, or do you have to do something to get it to react

This is a pretty easy question to answer. If your skin reacts to the environment, then it's probably oily. If it only reacts when you do something (for example, putting on makeup or washing your face), then it may be dry. If nothing seems to affect the way your skin looks or feels--even after spending hours in front of the mirror--then congratulations! Your skin type is normal and healthy!

3. How long does a pimple last on your skin?

While pimples are usually small and go away within a few days, if you have a pimple that lasts longer than three days it could be a cyst or an infection. A cyst will be painful and will not go away on its own--you'll need to see a dermatologist for treatment.

4. Is it hot and dry or cold and dry?

If your skin is hot and dry, you need to moisturize it. If it's cold and dry, hydrate it. If you're like me and have both types of skin (i.e., my face is hot while the rest of my body is cold), then you should use a moisturizer with SPF 30 or higher during the day and an intensive hydrator at night.

In general: if your face feels tight after washing it with warm water, that means that your skin type is more on the hot end; if any part of your body feels particularly dry after bathing/showering in cool water for 10 minutes or more (or even just sitting outside for extended periods), then this may indicate that there's something going on with how much moisture is escaping from inside outwards rather than vice versa--you'll want something richer than just lotion!

5. What kind of clothes do you wear?

If you wear natural fabrics, such as cotton or silk, chances are that your skin is dry. If you prefer synthetic materials like polyester and nylon, then you may have oily skin. This can also be a good indication of how much time of day it is: if the weather is hot and humid (or even just warm), people with oily complexions tend to break out more because these types of weather conditions will make their pores more active than usual.

6. Do you have dandruff, blackheads or whiteheads on your face?

  • Dandruff is a type of dry scalp caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Lack of moisture in your hair or skin

  • Certain shampoos and conditioners that don't work well with your hair type (and may even dry it out)

  • Using styling tools such as curling irons or blow dryers on a regular basis.

Skin types are often very different from one another, but they all have the same basic needs that must be met in order to stay healthy.

Skin types are often very different from one another, but they all have the same basic needs that must be met in order to stay healthy.

Your skin type is an important factor in deciding what products to use. For example, if you have oily skin and want to avoid breakouts or clogged pores (and who doesn't?), then it's best for you not to use moisturizers with a high oil content because this will likely cause more problems than it solves.


Now that you know the basics of skin types, what do you do with this information? Well, it's not just about knowing your type--it's also about understanding how different types can affect each other. For example, if you have oily skin but are trying out a new moisturizer for dry skin (or vice versa), then there may be some trial-and-error involved until both parties are satisfied with the results!

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