Best Makeup Tips And Hacks Of 2021 - Makeup Tricks Platinum Deluxe® Cosmetics
How To Look Prettier: Makeup Tips

It is not complex. It is enough to know the top makeup trends and then dare to explore options, learn the secrets of contouring (a trend that is gaining ground around the world) and learn little tricks that beauty experts share out loud.
Makeup tips
If you already have your makeup kit ready, we will tell you some tricks to use your cosmetics and look divine :
Moisturize: The first thing to do is hydrate the skin since it is 50% of the makeup. It is useless to follow the steps of the ideal makeup if we do not moisturize the face well before starting. We must do it after cleansing with tonic or micellar water.
The first thing you should achieve is uniform skin, applying a base of the tone most similar to your natural one. Do not forget your neck and, to avoid the masking effect, opt for a light formula or a BB cream.
Proper concealer: Over the years, imperfections become more noticeable and you have to hide some spots or wrinkles. If a heavy concealer is chosen, we can achieve the opposite effect and draw attention to what we want to hide. It is advisable to choose the liquid version. Click-pen formulas are great for being easy to apply.
The perfect base: To look fresh and natural during the day, it is advisable to opt for a very light base and apply it only in the areas that you want to correct. For the finish to be very natural, apply the base with your fingers in the form of taps.
To achieve a more sophisticated makeup and to give light to your face, use an illuminator in strategic areas such as the bridge of the nose, cheekbones, under the arch of the eyebrow and in the area of the tear duct. You will shine.
To set: For the day, a colorless translucent powder should be used in areas with a tendency to shine.
Neat eyebrows: The eyebrows must always be well plucked. It should be done by a professional first and then you can keep them yourself. Regarding makeup, you should choose a specific eyebrow pencil of a tone as close as possible to your eyebrows. Do not use eyeliner because it will give an unnatural look. You can read: How to outline eyebrows: keys to enhance your look.
Use eyelash archer: It is one of the best allies when it comes to making up, especially for women over 35, because when the years go by, the eyelashes flatten. The archer can be used even without mascara.
False eyelashes: if your eyelashes are thin and sparsely populated, you may need to use false eyelashes to give them extra volume and lushness. You can find false eyelashes in small fragments or in a whole strip. In the case of adhesives, there are also different
models: white that becomes light when drying and dark, which gives greater depth to the eye and is more integrated, but it is more noticeable if you put it wrong
Smoky effect: To achieve a smoky effect on the eyes, you will need a cream shadow, a powder shadow, a brush to apply and another to blend. Apply cream, black or brown or grey shadow to the eyelid to make it more discreet. The color you prefer. Afterwards, put the powder shadow on the eyelid and blend it. Don’t forget about mascara to open your eyes.
The smoky eyes or Smokey Eyes are classic night makeup. It is a trend that is characterized by blurred black eyes, although it can also be worn in many other shades, such as electric blue. All you will need is black eyeliner and a cotton swab. The application process is very simple and fast: start by applying a fine line on the upper part of your eyelid, which you must blend with the cotton to achieve that smoky effect, just as you would with your eyeshadow. The difference is that the process is much simpler.
Wearing a brown eyeliner: Dark brown has the same visual impact as black on the eyeliner, but it looks more natural. It gives intensity but in a much more sophisticated and subtle way. For it to look good, it must be applied on the lash line from the beginning to the end, with a fine line.
Lips: Over the years, the lips lose definition at the edges, especially the upper one. For the day, it is best to use shades that resemble the natural color of the lip (ideally they are in the cherry range) and very light nudes should be avoided for those with thin lips. If you are looking for a more sophisticated look, the idea is to generate sensual and well-made-up lips. The color will also depend on the moment in which you are going to wear this makeup, being able to wear an intense red for the night and a softer tone for the day. Learn more