DMAE Anti-Aging Mask Dmae Cleanser Platinum Deluxe Platinum Delux ®

DMAE Anti-Aging Mask Dmae Cleanser Platinum Deluxe

DMAE  Mud Mask Collection


Platinum Lux Phantom Mud Mask
Platinum Lux Phantom Mud Mask


Platinum Lux Phantom Mud Mask
Platinum Lux Phantom Mud Mask
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Premium Face Mask Collection Gift Set

DMAE  Platinum Lux Phantom Mud Mask is an amazing nutrient that extends the life of cells, inhibits the cross linking of proteins, which gives the skin a tone and firm appearance.

Platinum Deluxe Platinum Lux Phantom Mud Mask will transform, improve, and hydrate your skin with this powerful, yet gentle, detoxifying mud mask. The nutrient DMAE lifts and tightens the skin and significantly reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while Colloidal Platinum restores and strengthens the skin’s protective barrier. The result is a complexion that’s balanced and bright, with impurities drawn out to reveal a fresh, youthful glow.

This mask will help neutralize toxins and give the skin a fresh clean start on a weekly basis. DMAE may cause a tingling sensation. Certified Vegan.

Platinum is a powerful skincare ingredient on its own, but with our specialized formula adding collagen and other antioxidant ingredients, there is no more powerful skincare agent on the market that can claim the same anti-aging effects. Our products help keep your skin healthy, radiant, and resilient to damage over time. 


Platinum Deluxe is redefining skincare, and we are mavericks in the industry. Our formula has helped change the lives of thousands of women around the world, and we want it to change yours next. 


Click Here To Shop Platinum Deluxe 


Meeting Modern Industry Standards

We never compromise on quality. All of our products are manufactured in the USA under the strict supervision of licensed professionals. This includes sourcing the highest quality ingredients and ensuring all products are shipped well before expiration so you receive the greatest value for your purchase. At Platinum Deluxe®, you’ll get what’s best for your skin.

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