7 Day skincare challege
7 Day skincare challenge:
As you have seen on social media there are many challenges going up on different topics such as skin care routine, makeup challenge, workout challenge, diet challenge etc. We are going to take 7 days skin care challenge and the topics included in it is:
Skincare ingredients:
In your 7 days skin care challenge, the important thing to be noticed is the ingredients you are going to use in this challenge because 7 days is a shoe time period to examine the ingredients absorb and benefits. Ingredients are the strongest part of your skin care routine challenge. If you suppose you get a bad ingredient which is unsuitable for your skin in this challenge it can permanently damage your skincare. You should take the ingredients which are suitable for your skin's nature and ingredients according to the weather and environmental conditions around.
Time for skincare routine
Time period is a very important point in a skin care routine challenge in which you have taken in seven days because sometimes you feel low and you apply skin care products on your face if you are not relaxed or not in a good mood there are less chances of getting positive results from the skin care routine challenge.
Choose a specific time to apply your skin care products on your face in 7 days so you can figure the best products for your skin care.
Location for your skin care routine challenge:
Location play a major role in your skin care routine challenge which you have taken in seven days sometime you are travelling and you have got a normal skin care routine products and the environment where you are is cold or hot alternative to your skin care products it might get bad result out because of the environmental conditions you should take the skin care products according to the environment and according to your skin care routine.