Benefits of tint and pan cake (face powder) in summer season
Benefits of tint and pan cake (face powder):
In the summer season applying makeup is as difficult as controlling it for a long day. Tint is new design makeup products whereas face powder is old manufacturer using these two products daily can complete you makeup routine and it stay at skin for all day long as you all know youngsters are used to of going out even in summers and they needs that beautiful products that stay on their skin nature and do nothing to these skins.

So noticing all these things we decide to discuss only two products and their benefits that will assure you that tint and powder is okay to apply on skin . Following are the benefits of using both in summer
Using tint in daily basis summer:
Summer is a hot season and tint are available in all colors like
Dark red
Shocking pink
Baby pink
These three color are used mostly so let's talk about how to use these for skin beauty.

How to use it?
It is simple to use it on a daily basis. You have to take one drop of tint on lips and merge it on lips lightly and it will be absorbed on lips and same you have to apply on cheek and i will definitely sure you that it will be applied at least 7-8 hours.
Benefits of using pan cake ( face powder ) on daily basis:

Face powder is just like a foundation and it is available in many type
- Liquid face powder
- Dry face powder
- Cake face powder
You just have to choose According to your skin nature and lightly dab it on your skin it will cover all the scars definitely.
These two products are best to apply in Summer with NO harmful effects of skin nature. Read more beauty tips in beauty section.