Makeup importance in daily life how you look with and without makeup
No makeup looks:
Makeup is used to promote your beauty and for looking attractive and no makeup look is very rare to adopt because hiding your makeup from people's eyes is tough because people are so well familiar about cosmetics and their uses. No makeup look is actually introduced for teenagers going to school, colleges, universities and job women that don't have much time to apply heavy makeup daily. Makeup is a necessity but I would like to share some hack to distract people from assuming that there is no makeup. No makeup look must have to avoid following things:

- Skip foundation
- Skip liner everyday
- Don't use heavy primer
- Skip lipsticks
- Skip heavy blushing
Now let's start discussing about about what “NO MAKEUP” look consist about:
- Use moisturizer:

Moisturizing skin is necessary in every situation and moisturizing daily will not be prominent on your face. No moisturizer will be bad for your skin beauty
- Use lip balm:
Lip balm is a new product manufactured from natural organic fruits like strawberry, orange, pineapple it is available in all flavor and with delightful aroma. Lip balm is used to fresh your skin and your lips will look so pink and beautiful.
- highlighter:

Highlighter is used after applying every item you shine your skin and it will not be so prominent among all. Highlighters are of two shades silver and golden.
- Tint instead of blush:
Tint is an also new manufactured product extracted from organic items and used for every skin type and tint is available in every tone , light red/pink and dark red color it's up to you know what you want to choose.
- Use concealer:
Concealer is used to hide all scars and pimples prominent on skin, apply concealer and you will be comfortable for all day long. These 5 hacks you should use for no makeup look. Click Here to see products.