How to pick perfect foundation and brushes for perfect finishing
Perfect foundation and brushes for perfect finishing
How to pick perfect foundation and brushes for perfect finishing are two different topics to discuss. The foundation is of many types and color and brushes are of more than 10 shapes. Foundation is a major cosmetic product in makeup routine and brushes are used as an advanced product in makeup . makeup is now very common among all. Every individual has knowledge about this by social media.

I would like to share some important information about foundation and brushes that will be new to you. Firstly I will start from foundation.
How to pick the perfect foundation?
Foundation is many types according to a person's skin nature and before buying foundation must note your skin nature and check on your skin surface whether it suits your tone or not.

Four types of foundation:
⦁ Liquid foundation:
Liquid foundations is especially for dry skin tone and liquid foundation on dry skin very well but apply foundation with moisturizer. It will give a nice and long term feeding on skin.
⦁ Powder foundation:
Powder skin is specially manufactured for oily skin tone because it will resist oil to come out so easily. But do not apply it with any of your moisturizer.
⦁ Cream and mousse foundation:
These types of foundations are manufactured for all skin types with full convergence all day long.
How to pick perfect brushes?

For perfect and full finishing brushes are used instead of using hand to apply foundation, thick and hard brushes are used to apply cream foundation while powder foundation is used by pan cake for application. Brushes give good finishing to the foundation and i would advise all women to use brushes because applying foundation with hand will look rough and uneven too brushes give fine result on skin tone