How to remove acne from the face? Platinum Delux ®

How to remove acne from the face?

  How can I stop acne on my face?



Have you tried everything, and acne won't go away? It is probably because you are not attacking the root of the problem or have products that comprehensively solve acne. Read on and find out how to get rid of acne once and for all.


Acne on the face: Why does it come out?


Acne is a multifactorial inflammatory disease, which means that it depends on various factors, both external and internal. Here we explain the main ones.




The Cutibacterium acnes, formerly known as P. acnes, is the main bacteria that causes acne. It is found in the sebaceous glands of all people and is part of the skin microbiome, helping to maintain its balance. When produced excessively, it causes an imbalance in the skin, alters fat production, and promotes comedonesblackheadspapules, and pustules.



  • The menstrual cycle causes an increase in the hormone progesterone, stimulating the secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands. This alteration can also cause skin swelling and compression of the pores. The same is the case with pregnancy and the use of some oral contraceptives.
  • The polycystic ovary syndrome occurs when the ovaries produce more hormones than the average male, mainly testosterone. This causes an overproduction of sebum and leads to mild to moderate inflammatory lesions.
  • Finally, stress is a factor that, although it does not directly cause acne, can worsen its symptoms due to the excess of the hormone cortisol.


Genetics Genetic


Predisposition is not a decisive factor in the appearance of acne. However, it does play an important role. If you have close family members who have suffered from severe acne lesions, there is a chance that you will develop them, but they can be prevented with proper care.




comedogenic product produces blackheads, pimples, or pimples because it clogs the skin's pores and does not sweat. Some examples are the heavy foundation, cooking oils like coconut, olive, linseed, vegetable skincare butter, and many other home remedies.




Excess B vitamins, steroids, corticosteroids, testosterone, estrogens, birth control pills, or hormonal birth control devices can worsen acne.


Poor Diet


Dairy contains substances and hormones that can make acne worse. On the other hand, processed food includes a high-fat content that can increase sebum production. Irritant foods, such as spicy foods, can further inflame the skin and worsen injuries.


Best ingredients to clear acne


Salicylic Acid: It is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) known for its ability to exfoliate the skin and keep pores clear, which helps reduce acne. Reduces swelling and redness of the skin, unclog, and improves the appearance of pores, allowing blackheads to dry. Exfoliates and removes dead cells, regenerate the skin, and helps heal.


Niacinamide: Calms skin redness, regulates oil production, visibly reduces the appearance of pores, and reduces the pigmentation of acne spots. Helps renew and restore the skin's surface against moisture loss and dehydration.


Vegan hydroxydecenoic acid (HDA): It is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antioxidant, healing, and moisturizing fatty acid. Regulates oil production and prevents acne bacteria from increasing on the skin.


Biotechnological glycoprotein: Regenerates the skin and balances the bacterial flora. Helps the healing of acne lesions.


Decanediol is a moisturizing ingredient with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial functions.


Sebacic acid: It is associated with the balance of moisture on the skin's surface; it forms an occlusive barrier that retains moisture.


Willow extract: Contains powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Improves the appearance of pores and fine lines, helps calm the skin, and promotes cell regeneration.


Terpinene-4-on: It is the most active ingredient in tea tree oil. It contains anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. It also accelerates the healing process of acne wounds.


5 mistakes to avoid if you have acne


Acneic skin requires special care, and we often make mistakes that can make the problem worse. Here we explain the most common:


Failure to hydrate the skin


One of the most common mistakes is to believe that acne or oily skin does not need hydration. However, dehydrated skin tends to produce more sebum since oil defends itself against external aggressions such as dehydration. 


Using drying products


Products for oily or acne skin often contain drying alcohols and other ingredients that destroy the natural oil in the skin, leaving it unprotected and prone to infection. In addition, this causes our face to produce more sebum as a defense mechanism. Avoid fragrances and alcohol whenever possible.


Abusing Antibiotics


The problem with antibiotics is that they kill both harmful bacteria and good bacteria that our body needs. This causes an imbalance that weakens the immune system. Long-term antibiotics can cause a rebound effect, which specialists call "super-acne," a type of drug-resistant acne.


There are different types of acne, and some may require antibiotics for their treatment. However, today there are effective topical treatments that can improve bacterial acne without abusing medications.


Over-exfoliating the skin


Excessive friction can cause micro-injuries and inflame the skin. Avoid at all costs physical exfoliants with granules, facial brushes, makeup remover wipes, peel-off masks, blackhead suckers, and any product that can scratch your skin.


Excessive cleaning


Washing our face too often alters the acid mantle of the skin and the balance of the skin flora, making us more susceptible to acne bacteria. This occurs because when we wash our face excessively, we remove both harmful bacteria and the beneficial bacteria that our skin needs. It is advisable to wash our face twice a day, in the morning and night.


Routine for acne skin



  • A suitable cleanser is a key to treating acneic skin since, in this way, we remove dirt, toxins, oil, and dead cells. Look for a product with cleansing ingredients that gently remove excess sebum and dirt. Some examples are aloe veraactivated charcoallauryl sarcosinate, and coco amido betaine.


Hydrating Acne Serum


As we mentioned earlier, acneic skin also needs hydration. Look for products that contain multiple ingredients for a comprehensive acne solution. Our new Restart has all the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, sebum-regulating, and healing ingredients mentioned above.




  • Post-inflammatory spots are prevalent in people with acne, so it is essential to use products that help us eliminate them and even the skin tone before they become more complex. Our Klart depigmenting cream contains alpha-arbutinphenyl resorcinol, and biotechnological molecules ideal for acne blemishes.




  • Finally, sunscreen is a product that cannot be absent from anyone's routine. Look for one that does not contain comedogenic ingredients and has a light consistency easily absorbed into your skin with a minimum SPF 40. 

  What is acne exactly?

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